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"What If Everything We Were Taught About Working Out To Lose Fat Is Wrong?"

Of course, that sounds crazy... Which is why 73.7% of Americans are either

overweight or obese according to the National Institute for Health.

Keep reading to learn how you can fix this starting today...




From the Desk of Geoff Neupert,

The Shadow of the Pikes Peak, The Rockies, Colorado

Dear Kettlebell-Swinging Friend,

Did you know most personal trainers and "fitness experts" will tell you that in order to lose fat - even with kettlebells - you have to -

[1]  Do lots of reps

[2]  Get your heart rate up

[3]  Keep your heart rate up

[4]  Keep doing lots of reps

While that may be true for some of the people some of the timeit’s most certainly NOT true for many people much, if not most of the time.

In Fact, For Best Results, You Should Do the OPPOSITE.

Before I explain, a story…

Way back in close to pre-internet days, and certainly pre-digital camera days, in early 1996, I dropped over 10 pounds of PURE FAT in about 3 weeks, and got down to 3.3% body fat as measured by bioelectrical impedance without ever doing -

[X] Cardio

[X] High rep sets

In fact, I did the opposite.

[+] I did 2-3 reps per set.

[+] ZERO cardio.

[+] BIG lifts - Squats, Presses, Clean & Snatch Pulls, Cleans, Snatches, Jerks

[+] Ate LOTS of carbs

I was training for an Olympic Weightlifting Meet and trying to qualify for the National Championships later that year. This was my last chance to do it.

I missed my last Clean & Jerk, which meant I missed qualifying.

But I did learn some valuable lessons.

And they all revolve around -

Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers

Your fast twitch muscle fibers are the ones responsible for you sprinting, jumping, throwing, and lifting heavy stuff, and lifting heavy-ish stuff explosively.

They’re called Type 2x (also called 2b) and Type 2a.

Type 2x are glucose (sugar) dependent and used in events like:

  • 100m sprints

  • Hammer throw

  • Discus

  • Olympic Weightlifting

  • Powerlifting

These muscle fibers are very large, use lots of energy, and fatigue very quickly, anywhere from 6 to 20 seconds of all out activity.

Type 2a’s use glucose or oxygen for fuel used in events like:

  • 400m sprints

  • Grappling/Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

These muscle fibers are large, but not as large as 2x’s, use lots of energy, and fatigue pretty quickly…

But not as quickly as 2x’s - usually by 30 seconds of heavy effort.

There Are TWO Ways To Recruit Your Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers...

But first -

When I was a strength & conditioning coach at Rutgers University, here’s what I observed:

1. Jumpers and sprinters are lean

2. Wrestlers, except the heavyweights are lean

3. Throwers, are muscular and usually on the lean side, depending on the implement (shot putters are bigger, javelin throwers are smaller)

4. We train these athletes to (a) get stronger, and (b) become more powerful (explosive), then (c) for specific endurance - if necessary, like wrestlers and power-endurance

5. Almost none of these athletes train long durations non-stop - all bouts are short; ex. sprint 60m, walk back, rest, repeat… (except wrestlers who do roadwork in the off-season)

All these athletes, were lean and looked… athletic.

(IMAGE: Carl Lewis. Olympic Champ. 100m, 200m, 4x100m Relay. Long Jump.)

Second, here’s what almost every overweight person did when I watched them in the gym:

1. Cardio. Lots and lots of cardio. For 20 to 90 minutes at a time.

2. High reps to tone/burn calories in some kind of machine circuit, almost always after their cardio.

Most of these people, if they stuck with their workouts for more than 6 weeks, just looked like slightly smaller versions of their previously overweight selves… pudgy and unathletic.

Even if they were former athletes.

Third, when I trained my private clients like athletes, they made exceptionally fast gains.

(NOTE: I mean using the principles of training their fast twitch muscle fibers, not mimicking athletes exact training.)

And then, in 2013 or thereabouts, I stumbled on a study by Izumiya, et al, which confirmed what I’d experienced and have observed since 1996 -

Training the Fast/Glycolytic (2x/2a) Muscle Fibers Aids In Fat Loss.

And that the development of Type 2x (2b) fibers -

And -

They Also Found That Type 2x Fibers Improved -

Which is GREAT news for Type 2 diabetics and pre-diabetics...

And that -

In other words, when you focus on training your Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers, you don't have to do nearly as much cardio, or work out as often.

Here's even more...

Research by Strasser & Schobersberger states -

[Emphasis: Mine.]

And -

[Emphasis: Mine.]


When you use your kettlebells correctly, by accessing your Type 2x and Type 2a fibers, you can lose fat - even stomach fat - without “hardcore dieting.

What then is the "Best" Way to recruit your fast twitch fibers? It's not what you may think...

TWO Reps For Fat Loss?

I admit, that sounds crazy.

Stupid, off-the-wall, lock-me-up crazy.

Yet, that’s exactly what I experienced for the first time way back in 1996.

I was training 6 days a week - each day, less than an hour.

I was alternating super-heavy days with explosive days.

One day looked like this -

Squats + Overhead work

The other day looked like this:

Explosive Pulls

It was that simple.

For my squats and overhead work, I was doing sets of 2.

Heavy sets of 2.

Now, if you’ve never done heavy front squats - barbell or kettlebell before - you’re heart rate will get jacked up.

Especially if you limit your rest periods like I was to 60s to 2 minutes.

Same thing’s true for heavy pulls - sets of 2 and 3 with 60s to 90s rest?

(Pulls - explosive lifting - in kettlebell lifting are your ballistics like Swings, Cleans, and Snatches.)

Heart Rate.

Through the roof.

Sweaty, red-faced, and panting…

And that’s because training this way uses your Type 2x muscle fibers.

And when you limit your rest, then you bring in your Tye 2a muscle fibers.

And as you’ll recall from our last email, your Type 2 muscle fibers (especially the 2x’s) are energy hungry little monsters that fatigue quickly…

Which Is Why Training Like This Makes You Breathe Hard And Therefore Burns Calories.

Making sense so far?

This may sound kinda far-fetched, so look at this study about training explosively and energy expenditure -

Researchers found that explosive squats versus squats with a slow tempo had significantly greater energy rates during and after versus slow tempo squats. They concluded - 



I’m telling you from personally training myself and others this way for 25 years IT DOES.

Here Are The 2 Ways To Use Your Fast Twitch Fibers To Burn Body Fat

[1]  Lift heavy (for you).

Keep your reps low on “grind” or “slow” lifts-

Squats, Get Ups, Presses…

Those sorts of exercises.

[2]  Lift explosively. Or EXPLOSIVELY

Instead of just swinging your KB…

EXPLODE! with it!

Swing it as hard as you can!

And rest periods?

We'll cover those shortly.

First, take a look at this picture -

This is World Champion Weightlifter (1970), Gennady Ivanchenko of the Soviet Union demonstrating the explosive pulls I did.

He was also the first lifter to reach 500kg (1100lbs) in the light-heavyweight category - 82.5kg (181.5lbs)

How was he able to achieve and maintain such low body fat levels? 

Fat Loss and the "F" Word

Take a look at the following graph:

That’s really boring science-y stuff (for some) that shows -

[1]  Your body’s 3 energy systems

[2]  When they work during exercise

[3]  How quickly they fatigue during exercise with relation to effort levels

This is important because most “workouts” completely ignore how the body responds to the “F” word -


If you’ve ever taken a fitness class or watched a exercise DVD, you’ll hear well-meaning words of encouragement shouted, like -

And everybody's favorite -

Problem is, most workouts, like one I’m thinking of now that I saw on late night TV, focus on creating fatigue and making you push through it.






Here's why...

When You Run Out Of Gas, You Stop Using Your Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers.

Remember those Fast Twitch muscle fibers - your 2x and 2a’s? (Specifically the 2x)?

They are used for lifting heavy (for you) and lifting explosively

Both of those use the Anaerobic-Alactic energy pathways (“Immediate” - the green line in the graph above.)

How long until those fibers completely run out of “gas?”

About 45 seconds.

They use up 50% of their available energy in the first 10 seconds of use.

And those are your BIG Type 2x fibers.

The 45 seconds are your Type 2a fibers.


Your body starts using the smaller, weaker, endurance-based, Type 1 fibers.

Which are great if you’re training for endurance, but we’re not.

We’re training to get strong…

To burn fat…

To build muscle…

And to recapture our youth.

All those things are done by training the Type 2x and 2a fibers.

This is why you may have noticed that after about 3 to 5 reps on your “slow” lifts like Presses and Squats, your speed slows down…

Or after about 5 to 10 reps on your ballistics - Swings and Snatches for example - your power seems to drop off…

Those muscle fibers are fatigued and have run out of gas.


Injuries Abound When You’re Trying To Get "Just One More Rep!"

That’s because fatigue alters your technique, which changes the way your muscles move your bones in their joints, which is where many injuries happen:

Low back… knee… shoulder… and even worse -

Muscle strains and tears.


Despite what the late night informercials, the class at the gym, or the DVDs tell you…

FATIGUE is NOT something you “push through” IF you don’t have to.

Rather, it’s something to be MANAGED CORRECTLY.

When you do, the *magic* happens -

You strip off fat, build muscle, get stronger, have more energy, and start to feel like you’ve turned back the clock.

However, This Is NOT "Pure" Strength Training

One of the important distinctions between using Type 2x/a fibers for fat loss training and strength training is rest periods.

Typically in "traditional" strength training, we us LONG rest periods.

Up to 10 minutes between heavy sets, although 5 minutes is more common.

This is especially necessary when you’re lifting BIG weights…

… 500lbs+ deadlifts for example.

And typically, when we’re looking at training the Type 2x fibers, which are run off Phosphocreatine (ATP-PC)…

We want a work to rest ratio of 1:5-10. Although some sports scientists recommend up 1:50-100. (We don’t have that kind of time.)

This is based upon effort levels and load levels.

The higher the effort level, the longer the rest, usually.

And the heavier the load, the longer the rest, usually.

So, loosely translated, 10 seconds of work requires a minimum of 50 seconds of rest.

And training the 2a fibers, generally use a work to rest ratio of 1:2-3.

Again, loosely translated, 10 seconds of work requires 20 to 30 seconds of rest.

Now, I can tell you having done this style of training for 25 years, for many, it becomes highly impractical to time your sets and time your rest between sets.

So, I’ve come up with a different method, that will let you apply the appropriate effort for all your reps.

"Hybrid" Strength Training

Rest times aren’t always strictly measured or adhered to, but are fluid, based on “autoregulation” - feedback your body is giving you.

(Sometimes, rest periods ARE strictly prescribed, which is why this is a “Hybrid.”)

More often than not (about 2/3 of the time)…

I simply direct my clients to rest -

The caveat, or “governor,” is this -

The speed of your reps must remain constant.

If your reps slow down during a set, rest more between sets.

Assuming your somewhat healthy and working out a little bit and haven’t been sitting on the couch for the last 40 years, then my general rule of thumb for these types of workouts is -

Use a kettlebell you can press for a maximum of 4 to 6 times (reps).



The heavier weight allows you to access those Type 2x/2a muscle fibers.

If you can Press your kettlebell 5 times, then swinging it 10 times is not a problem.

(This is true 99% of the time - there’s always an “outlier”.)

And of course almost all the other basic single kettlebell exercises (and some non-traditional KB exercises too).

This makes for some cool programming, which brings up the question -

How EXACTLY Do You Program / Plan These Types of "Fast-Twitch Fat-Burning" Programs?

Here's what I recommend:

Pick 1-3 “slow” exercises -

  • Military Press, Goblet Squat, Turkish Get Up are the “traditional” ones

  • And do sets of 1 to 3 reps with your 4-6RM, 2-3x a week, for a total of 40-60 reps (working your way there). Do all these first.

  • Spend 20- 30 minutes doing these.

  • An Example:

    A1. Military Press, Left, then Right, x 1-3

    A2. Front Squat, Left, then Right, x 1-3

    Alternate between sets of each exercise, resting as needed. Accumulate as many reps as possible with perfect form.

    Then follow them with:

  • A ballistic KB exercise like the 2H Swing or the 1H Swing, done for either sets of 5-15 reps, or time - 10 to 20 seconds, per set

  • Resting 2 to 5 times longer than your work sets.

  • Do this for 10 to 20 minutes.

  • An Example:

    A. 2-Hand Swings x 10 reps for 10 minutes; As many sets as possible.

    Now these are EXAMPLES.

    Can you use other exercises?

    Yes, of course you can.

    There are seemingly endless combinations so you can set this up anyway you’d like.

    Just keep the “structure” so that you can use your Type 2x/2a fibers.

    And remember, the KEY here is to MANAGE YOUR FATIGUE.

    So you don’t want “sloppy” reps because that tells you your Type 2 fibers have checked out and your body is trying to use what’s left -

    The smaller, weaker, less energy-hungry Type 1 endurance fibers.

    Finally -

    For Best Results, Plan On Training This Way 3 To 6 Days A Week

    How many days exactly depends on things like -

  • Your schedule

  • Your ability to recover

  • How many times you actually prefer to work out each week

  • The duration of each workout

  • Your effort level in each workout

  • ... To name but several.

    If you choose 3 days per week, you can let your workouts run about 45 minutes, not including warm ups. And do them on non consecutive days - like Monday, Wednesday, Friday… Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday.

    You get the idea.

    If you choose 6 days a week, keep your workouts short - 20 to 30 minutes at a time.

    Now some people will want all this laid out in a “done-for-you” plan…

    … a program that tells you exactly what exercises to do, for how many sets and reps, for how long, and when.

    If that's you, you'll want to grab a copy of one of the most popular programs I ever created, called - 

    Kettlebell Burn 2.0

    The Original Single Kettlebell Strength-Based Fat Loss System

    It’s a 3-day a week program that has worked like gangbusters for thousands of men and women just like you for the last decade or so.

    And don't worry, if you like to train / work out 6 days a week, there’s Kettlebell Burn: RELOADED which maps that out for you.

    I’ve put them both on sale in a package just for you for a Limited Time Only.

    I’ve put them both on sale in a package just for you for a Limited Time Only.

    Here's What Others Have Said About "Kettlebell Burn"

    And one of my all-time favorites from Christophe W. -

    ... And I have literally HUNDREDS more testimonials that I've collected over the years.

    Here's Everything That's Included In Your Kettlebell Burn Package Today

    • MODULE 1: Kettlebell Burn 2.0 Training Plan

      • 16-week program (4 different phases)

      • 3-days a week

      • 45 minutes per day

      • (Value: $297)

    • MODULE 2: Kettlebell Burn: RELOADED Training Plan

      • 16-week program (4 different phases)

      • 6-days a week

      • 10-30 minutes per day

      • Includes "alternate" nutrition plan

      • (Value: $297)

    • MODULE 3: Kettlebell Burn 2.0 Exercise Instruction Index

      • Exercises you’ll perform, pictures of how to perform them, and detailed descriptions of how to perform them, including expert cues to shortcut your learning curve.

      • Spend hours scouring the internet and using "trial-and-error" or get the details from someone who's been coaching and instructing internationally for almost 20 years.

      • (Value: $297)

    • MODULE 4: Kettlebell Burn 2.0 Fat-Burning Nutrition Plan

      • A no-nonsense, superstition-free, science-based fat-burning plan, customizeable for any man or woman at any age.

      • Almost 30 years of “in-the-trenches” nutrition distilled into a simple system that allows you to burn fat immediately – customized for you.

      • Designed to help you burn fat faster.

      • (Value: $97)

    • MODULE 5: Kettlebell Burn 2.0 Nutrition Journal

      • Accountability to yourself. That’s a major factor in the success of any fat loss program. Anybody who’s made dramatic changes in their appearance has used this method.

      • Geoff used this exact method to get to 3.3% body fat! Success leaves clues – follow them! (Old School "check the box" is still the best!)A no-nonsense, superstition-free, science-based fat-burning plan, customizeable for any man or woman at any age.

      • (Value: $19)

    • MODULE 6: Kettlebell Burn 2.0 Training Journal

      • Another major factor in fat loss is the ability to do more and more work. More work = more calories burned = more fat loss. Simple. This is how you track your ability to do more work each and every workout.

      • If you don’t know where you are, you can’t know where you’re going.

      • All my Private Clients use one.

      • (Value: $29)

    • MODULE 7: Kettlebell Burn 2.0 "Technique Shortcuts" Videos

      • 11 "Technique Shortcuts" videos for the exercises used in Kettlebell Burn programs.  

      • Each less than 15 minutes long for quick viewing.

      • All "meat," no "filler" so you can get up and running immediately if you're not familiar with the exercises.

      • (Value: $49)

    ... And I have literally HUNDREDS more testimonials that I've collected over the years.

    How Much Does The Kettlebell Burn Strength-Based Fat Loss Package Cost?

    My private clients invest a minimum $297 per month into their training programs. ($297 is the starting rate).

    I design most of their programs on the same principles you'll find inside Kettlebell Burn 2.0 and Kettlebell Burn: RELOADED.

    Inside this "Kettlebell Burn" Package, you have not just one - but TWO 16-Week (2 x 4 month) programs.

    Their value is $2376.

    That's not including the other Modules, like the Nutrition Plan and Techniques Shortcuts Videos...

    ... Which I'm sure you'd agree would be a gigantic pain in the butt if you had to go hunting the interwebz to find similar information AND test it out to see if it actually worked for you.

    But you won't pay anywhere near that - not even 10% of that, or $237.60.

    Nor will you pay my current one-on-one in person private training rate, of $150.

    No, today, you can secure your copy of this Limited Offer "Kettlebell Burn" Strength-Based Fat Loss Package for a One-Time Discounted Payment of Only -



    Look, you've seen how you can strip off 16 pounds (7.5 kilos) in only 7 weeks, 40 pounds (19 kilos) in 16 weeks, make your pants noticeably wider around the waist, and even get some extra attention from your wife or spouse...

    Simply by using my "Strength-Based Fat Loss Programming" found inside Kettlebell Burn.

    And you've seen that you can grab your copy for less than 50% of a private, in-person hour long training session with me, where I'd only have time to cover about half the techniques you're getting the Technique Shortcuts Video series...

    ... Not to mention 4 months worth of programming.

    AND, with a performance guarantee that more than makes up for the price of the programming.

    Now it's time for a decision.

    The Way I See It You Have 3 Options

    Option # 1: Do absolutely nothing and stay right where you are right now.

    If you're already lean enough and don't fall into the 70% of those who are considered "overweight" or "obese"...

    ... Or you do, but you just don't care, and you're fine with all the diseases like Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Erectile Dysfunction to name a few that come from living in that state...

    Then maybe you don't need this programming.

    But, if you'd like to finally get rid of the extra fat and feel younger and full of energy again, that leaves you with two other options...

    Option 2: Do it yourself.

    You can try to track down all the "free" kettlebell fat loss workout programs out there on the internet...

    ... but most of them are based on flawed programming that trash your Type 2x and Type 2a fast twitch muscle fiber and force you to use the smaller, weaker, calorie-preserving Type 1 muscle fibers.

    Who knows? Maybe you'll get lucky and stumble on some decent programs put out by some of my competitors -

    Many of whom have tried to copy my methodology.

    If you're willing to waste that kind of time and rely on trial and error, you might be able to pull it off.

    Option 3: Let me do all the "heavy lifting" for you.

    I'll put my proven Kettlebell Burn "Strength-Based Fat Loss Programming" to work for you.

    I've already done the legwork - designed, tested, and proven the programming over the last 25+ years.

    All you need to do is execute -

    Actually follow the programming as outlined and enjoy the rest of your life.

    Then measure your progress each week and watch the your strength increase and your body fat "magically" start disappearing.

    Of these three options, ask yourself -

    What's Going To Be Easier For You?

    You see, there are two types of people in this world -

    Those who dream and talk about "getting in shape," without ever following through and taking action...

    And those who are ready to take action when the opportunity presents itself.

    Most people will tell you they want to get in shape.

    But we both know very few actually will make it happen.

    Most will sit back on couch, grab a remote, and say, "Later"...

    While the 10 or 15% who are actually serious about their health will actually take action.

    Since you've read this far, you might be one of the few who fall into that small percentage of action takers...

    I'm ready to send you the download link to the Kettlebell Burn Strength-Based Fat Loss System.

    Only you can decide.


    Thanks for reading this article. I hope it's answered all your questions about how to lose fat using just one kettlebell.


    Q: What size kettlebell(s) should I use for this?

    A: Use a medium-heavy kettlebell you can Military Press with one hand, 4 to 6 reps, using good form.

    Q: How long are the workouts?

    A: The 2.0 workouts are 45 minutes long. The RELOADED workouts are 15 to 30 minutes long.

    Q: How many days a week do I have to work out?

    A: ZERO.

    You don't "have" to do anything. However, should you choose to do so, and take back control of you health and your life, you get to choose between 3 and 6 days per week. 2.0 is 3, RELOADED is 6.

    Q: Is this good for the 'Over-50' crowd?

    A: The Kettlebell Burn programs are especially good for the 'Over-50' crowd because they fix sarcopenia - muscle wasting and train your fast twitch muscle fibers which you start losing as you age.

    Q: How soon until I start seeing results?

    A: That depends on how quickly you can implement the programs. Many people will see results after their first 7 days (sometimes less).

    Q: How much weight can I lose?

    A: While it's impossible to say for sure, because I don't know you or how much you have to drop, the general rule of thumb is, the more body fat you have to lose, the more you can and will lose, when you follow the programs.

    Q: How long is each program?

    A: 16 weeks. There are 4 four-week phases.

    Q: How many kettlebells do I need? 

    A: These programs are designed for you to use just one kettlebell. Some people who have more than one, use more than one.

    Get Your Copy of the Kettlebell Burn Strength-Based Fat Loss System By Clicking the Yellow Button Below.


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